Another Relic

No body parts this time.  We visited Chartres yesterday and spent not enough time in the cathedral.  Chartres is pretty much the first example of a Gothic cathedral, built to replace the Romanesque one destroyed in the fire of 1194, with old stained glass and sculpture (12/13th century).  On display at the cathedral is the Sancta Camisia, the veil the Virgin Mary wore during childbirth!!!!  Wow.  Quite a relic.

A couple comments.  First, the veil has been in a Chartres place of worship since 876. Charlemagne had received it as a gift, and his grandson gave it to Chartres.

Also, the veil we saw doesn’t look like the piece of cloth in the guidebooks or in the link below – it isn’t clear if there are a couple of these, or if the real one is in safekeeping somewhere.

In the end it doesn’t really matter which parts of the story you choose to believe or not believe.  In Europe the timescales are different.

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